Certified Consulting Meteorologist
President and Founder
With over 25 years of civilian and military experience in meteorology, Mr. Daniel Pagliaro has expertise in operational weather analysis and forecasting, aviation meteorology, numerical weather prediction, severe local storms, and space weather.
Mr. Pagliaro founded PAGCORE Solutions in 2010, and has provided consulting services and tailored weather support for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, Top Gun Competition Balloon Club, and Everest Balloon. He has provided consulting meteorology and expert witness services for attorney clients nationwide since 2017.
As a New England native, he often recollects the challenges of predicting major winter storms for the northeastern United States during his early years as a forecaster at the Western Connecticut State University Weather Center in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Mr. Pagliaro also possesses several years of project management experience and has supported the planning and execution of operational test and evaluation of major weapons systems during his 10 years of service as a Weather Officer in the United States Air Force. His distinguished military service also included a 3-year tour of duty as a Lead Meteorologist with the 20th Operational Weather Squadron in Japan, where he was responsible for operational weather forecasts and situation monitoring for 98,000 U.S. military personnel stationed in Japan and Korea. His responsibilities included producing tailored airfield forecasts, typhoon alert forecasts, aviation hazard forecasts, and flight weather briefings. Mr. Pagliaro holds a Master of Civil Engineering from Norwich University (2013), a Master of Science in Meteorology from the Naval Postgraduate School (2008), and a Bachelor of Arts in Meteorology from Western Connecticut State University (2002). Mr. Pagliaro was awarded the Certified Consulting Meteorologist designation by the American Meteorological Society Board of Certified Consulting Meteorologists in 2016, and the Configuration Management Principles and Implementation Certification (CMPIC) by the Configuration Management Process Improvement Center in 2019.